PHYSICIANS - NOW is the Time to Take Back Your Practice and Take Back Your Life with the Weekly Coaching and Wraparound Support of our
3-Layer Physician Support ECOSYSTEM
Experience the Full Support of Our Community of Like-Minded Physicians and learn how to ...
This is a home base - a protected space where we all work together to build a more Ideal Practice in these difficult times. Learn and Practice the 7 Key Skills Left Out of Your Medical Education. Everything discovered and proven effective via our 12 year, 40,000 doctor coaching and training experience.
of the Entire ECOSYSTEM
👉 Enjoy an Entire Month - All Three Layers of Our Support ECOSYSTEM
- Even four coaching sessions - AT NO CHARGE
before you make the choice to subscribe.
2 Hours a Week of Drop-In Group Coaching on ZOOM - 50 weeks/year. Everything is recorded and stored if you can't make it. You are never more than a week away from LIVE Coaching.LAYER 2. OUR AMAZING SUPPORT COMMUNITY OF LIKE-MINDED DOCTORS
Private, 24/7, Members-Only Web Portal Ask any question, any time and get answers and support from doctors like you. And all the trainings and coach call recordings are stored at the same website.LAYER 3. TRAINING
Your own Private Library of our Top Five Online, Video-on-Demand Trainings:
Get Home Sooner, Build Balance and Boundaries, Job Search Power Tools, Manage Your Boss, Eye of the Storm Training and more ...
AND Of Course, ALL the CME You Need - over 100 credits per year!
What Members are Saying ...
"The perspectives I hear from members helped me feel sane. I feel secure that there is a space and time (regular calls) where I can process my thoughts and experiences and I am not alone."
"I didn't realize that I could retrain my whole approach to work, time with my family and life in general. Through coaching and the training modules in the ecosystem I have learned to be more present in all three areas."
"I am surprised how much I love the support of the weekly coaching group. I look forward to seeing everyone on the group calls. I value their input and I like the team-support approach."
"Having the anchor outside of my work has kept me grounded and actually saved my career."
The Experience of Being a Modern Physician Gets More Difficult Every Day.
Your medical education did not prepare you for these uncertain times. You were not trained to juggle all the demands that keep you from actually taking care of patients
~ EMR, Patient Portal, InBox, bad Call Center Scheduling, Short Staffing, (add your personal stress points here) ... everything coming at you all at once.
It is your own, private, daily WHIRLWIND
- No one taught you how to be just another employee, jammed into the middle of an industrial care delivery machine - driven by by a layered bureaucracy of bean counters who don't understand what you actually do all day and only show up when you are in trouble.
- Head down, cranking it out, on an RVU quota, half your time devoted to feeding the EMR ... and always such a disappointment to the CFO.
- Burnout is everywhere - 63% prevalence by the last survey.
- Good leaders are rare. You know, the ones who care, work to understand and actually do things that help.
- A healthy group culture may be something you have never experienced - all the way from residency to today.
- You may not be able to speak the truth at work, or admit you are exhausted and ask for help without putting yourself at risk - or finding out yet again that no one cares.
- Your little voice may be whispering. "I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going like this." or "I did NOT go to Medical School to end up here."
We want you to know ... You Are Not Alone.
In your search for meaning, fulfillment and satisfaction as a modern physician, you have kindred spirits and allies in our Burnout Proof MD Community.
We have your back. We are a true safe harbor. A place where we can process that week's stress and emotion and each continue to build a more Ideal Practice - knowing you are never more than a week away from a live coaching session and support from your tribe.
All of us are working to build back purpose and significance - and the satisfaction of knowing you do make difference - into this Post COVID practice reality.
That task takes regular effort, proven tools and a Tribe of Support these days.
The Ecosystem is here to help you work ON your practice rather than just IN it.
The web forum and weekly coaching calls give you a regular rhythm of stepping out of your Whirlwind, getting clear on your Ideal Practice and always taking steps in that direction - cheered on by our exceptional group of fellow physicians who have your back.
Celebration, Gratitude, Brainstorming, Accountability, Fresh Ideas, Proven Tools, Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Your JOB - PRACTICE - CAREER- and LIFE Are All Here - coming from a community where everyone can clearly see you and know exactly what you are going through.
Burnout Proof MD is three distinct layers of support, each one designed to help you process the stresses of your job as a modern physician and create a more Ideal Practice.
To make sure the Ecosystem works for you, we offer a 30-Day FREE TRIAL
Take the whole ECOSYSTEM for a 30-Day Test Drive. The trainings, the members only forums and networking site, even ZOOM in to four group coaching sessions - you won't be charged for 30 days and can discontinue your membership at any time.
The 3 Interlocking Layers of the Support ECOSYSTEM

[1] Weekly ZOOM Coaching
You are never more than a week away from live support. Every week (50 weeks/yr) we all get together on ZOOM for a drop-in Mastermind Call. Outstanding support, questions answered, a second opinion, reality check or brainstorming a new way forward. Everything is recorded and stored on our Community Website - including the CME links - in case you miss the call.

[2] Private Web Support Forum
Post, share, comment, get answers and support 24/7 in our members-only web portal. It also houses the trainings and all the Coach Session Recordings. All the Ecosystem support layers are in one place, equally accessible by desktop or any mobile device with excellent searchability if you need to find any previous topic.

[3] Complete Training Library
Our Top 5 Online Video Trainings share our 40,000 doctor experience:
You will learn proven tools to:
Get Home Sooner - Restore Life Balance
Be the Eye of the Storm at work
Build your Ideal Practice
Power Job Search Tools
Manage Your Boss - Be a More Effective Leader
Who is Dike Drummond MD?
Hello, I'm Dike Drummond MD. I am a family doctor and the creator and host of the Burnout Proof MD Ecosystem.
Since 2010, my sole professional focus has been helping physicians recognize and prevent burnout. As an executive coach, author, trainer and consultant, I have worked with over 40,000 doctors and 175 organizations to date from our base on the web at
We have tested and refined hundreds of tools to lower stress and prevent burnout in physicians. Our intention and hope is that you will use these tools, community and coaching - the whole Ecosystem - to create your own ideal job, practice, career and life.
More From Our Tribe Members ...
"On the coaching calls we understand what healthy communication and group dynamics feel like, the power of other peoples stories and journey’s, and that it is OK to be not OK. Most of all, we are all learning and evolving by sharing our experiences in real time and real context. And it is lots and lots of fun and VERY authentic - no B.S. allowed."
"BurnoutProofMD has allowed me to enjoy work again, to take control of my day and my schedule and to find a way to make a career in primary care work for me. Now I bring my entire self to work and my patient care. I also have very strict boundaries I follow and a clear start and stop to my workday."
We know you have not seen a support community like Burnout Proof MD, so here are some answers to common questions.
Who are you?
What is Burnout Proof MD and how long has it been around?
What does Burnout Proof mean?
Why does Burnout Proof MD Membership cost money?
Do I have to be a full-time clinician to join?
What is the 30-day Free Trial about?
Can I subscribe with CME funds or deduct my subscription
What if I can't make a coaching call?
3-Layer Physician Support Community
** It all begins with your 30-Day FREE TRIAL of the Entire Ecosystem **
Enjoy a whole month of our support - even four coaching sessions - before you subscribe. You get complete, unrestricted access to the whole ecosystem ...
1. Weekly 2-hour Group COACHING - 50 weeks/year
2. COMMUNITY - 24/7 private, members-only web portal - Access by phone, tablet or desktop
3. TRAINING - our Top Five video-on-demand online trainings
AND All the CME You Need - over 100 credits per year!
And everything is sourced from our 12 year, 40,000 physician coaching and training experience. Real tools, proven in the real world of the Post-COVID practice of medicine.